Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 4EOC: Wows

Three Wows

1.       If we were presenting to representatives of Veer Towers, I think a great wow would be to have someone that looks like the ideal bachelor that we are marketing to.  We would film him as he pulls up outside to the front valet as he drives up in his fire red Ferrari and steps out with a lady friend dressed as if they just came back from dinner in his $3,000 Ralph Loren suite and narrate as he enters the lobby and makes way to the elevators and up to the condo.
We would finish the presentation in the condo, an enactment of the man and the lifestyle that we could provide with our designs at the Veer Towers.
2.       We could have sparkling cider and wine and cheese to celebrate what will be a sparkling presentation.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 3: EOC

My idea for promoting our design project of Designing the Perfect Bachelor Pad at the Verr Towers, would be to market to Realtors.   I would go to high end real estate agencies and talk with Realtors and give them our promotion package on the ideal client that we want to market to and see if they have clients that would fit into that category.  I would offer them a percent of our design fees, which would help them to get a sale with the extra incentive of a bonus for getting us the client, it works for everybody.

Also, I would like to enter the design in a competition for ASID or NEWH

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Action Agenda
Team members:
Lucy Gamalong- Project Manager
Veronica Carranza- Designer
Melissa Nouwels- Designer
Simone Jackson- Designer

Lucy’s Responsibilities:
Create Company Name
Contact web designer
Create a logo
Create a location and contact information
Find a source of contact for the VEER Towers
Create a schedule

Veronica’s Responsibilities:
Re-write the statement (needs to be about one paragraph) MARKETING
Get CAD or floor plans
Get site plan
Find out current condo prices
Create a questionnaire to target market
What’s inclusive?
Schedule a tour

Melissa’s responsibilities:
Create business card
Take photos of location
Contact a web designer to design a web page
Choose a target market

Simone’s Responsibilities:
Clearly define the project objective
Create the scope of the work
Create a list of questions to ask a VEER representative pertaining to the project
Create a business plan
Create a contract (general)
Budget Schedule

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 1 Project Management Institute

Project Management Institute is a great company to help you if you are going into project management.  some of the benefits of membership is exclusive access to PMI publications, networking, and discounts on certifications, books, products and training tools.
A search of Global Congress shows a list of articles dating from 2003, information on congress from 2009-2010, and discs of previous proceedings.  When you select on one of the articles it brings up a purchase form to buy articles or discs at members and non-members prices.

Here is an article that I find fits very well in the interior design world.

Tata Discovers Failure Is an Option
Failure isn’t always a bad thing. Tata Sons, the primary holding company of Tata Group in Mumbai, India, believes project failures shouldn’t be swept under the rug.  In fact, it honors them at its annual awards ceremony. 
“Failures are the stepping stones to success. When we strive for a large number of ideas, it’s expected that many of them might fail,” says Sunil Sinha, chief of Tata Group Quality Management Services. “By celebrating failures, we try to drive a positive culture of innovation. Employees will try only if it is okay to fail, and we want to encourage that.”
Failure Leads to Positive Innovations
Tata previously only highlighted project success stories at its awards ceremony. But three years ago it added awards for the best unsuccessful innovations.  Project teams weren’t immediately sold on the idea. The first year, there were 12 applications. Last year, there were more than 200.  Without the pressure of having to produce a perfect product every time you work on a project employees are more creative in the solution process and can think outside of the box.


Some years ago I was a fashion designer and I made custom clothing, but after doing this for 10 years I wanted another challenge.  Interior Deisgn seemed like a natural progression and a way to use my design skills in another way.  As a fashion designer, I did every aspect of the design, from pattern making to sewing.  I went to the Art Institute of Las Vegas, and received my bachelors degree in Interior Design.  

I work in residential and  healthcare design and I would like to  specialize in sustainable design.  Sustainable design to me is not only being responsible to our environment and community, but also cost effective for clients.  Sustainable design is my passion and I have worked on a team that designed a residence, office, and spa projects using the LEED guidelines that achieved at least a Gold rating.  I would like to become LEED certified in the near future and am studying for the certification examination.

My mission is to design not only aesthetically beautiful environments that fulfill the client’s needs and desires in a creative and innovative way, but that also evoke a positive emotional response when entering the space using  sustainable design principles.    I welcome the idea of always learning, that is a major part of this profession