Tuesday, November 2, 2010


  Our project had the three wows:  Our presentation was visually excellent and had a very professional appearance that was laid out to tell the story of our company, target client and project ideas.   Our ideas were well thought out and covered the aspects of the Project Life Cycle. We divided and subdivided the proper scope into major pieces or work packages including covering one of our marketing strategies that showed our brochure and referenced other projects that had used this idea with success and how they had to drop the sale price and with our designs they could make a profit.
Our project was well designed with measurable goals that could define the specific activities for each work package in order to accomplish the project objective, accomplished in a reasonable time frame, all of which makes our project the better one of the two.
     The second team the project was not a professionally designed looking presentation nor was their web page.  The concept and design was somewhat juvenile and not classy.  It is important to develop a plan before the start of the project; this plan should include all the work tasks, associated costs, and estimates of the time necessary to complete them. They did meet the project performance goals and I think that they covered every target goal that is needed for a project of this magnitude.  Their design clearly needs to be polished before the final to have a winning presentation.

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